miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010


link for buying it by indyplanet (for readers) - link for buying by comicsmonkey (comic shops)

link para comprarlo por indyplanet (para lectores) - link para comprarlo por comicsmonkey (comiquerías)

Westley está en camino a transformarse en Weatherman, pero se distrae en un pequeño pueblo.
John se rehusa a usar el traje que le dieron los aliens, pero cómo podría?
David detiene el tiempo, pero no puede detener a la Ley de averiguar su secreto! cómo lo supieron?
El viaje continua. Estos personajes continuan acercandose a sus destinos, cada uno aprendiendo mas y mas de sus poderes.
No te pierdas este segundo numero!
guión de Aaron Hauser, arte por mí.

Westley is on the road, becoming closer to his life as the Weatherman, but gets distracted in a small town. John refuses to put on the costume given to him by the aliens, but how could he resist? While David can stop time, he can't stop the law from finding out his secret! Hey, how did they find out?
The journy continues on. As the men continue to grow closer to their destiny, each get caught up in something bigger they are--their powers. Don't miss this incredible second issue!

script by Aaron Hauser, art by me.